Women, Infant & Children program is a federally funded supplemental food program for qualified pregnant, postpartum, or nursing women, infants, and children under five years of age.
This national smoking cessation program, partners with the Clark County Health Department to eliminate tobacco use of pregnant and postpartum women.
The Health Department provides child and adult immunizations. Children vaccines are available through the Vaccines for Children program. We also accept insurances for adult vaccines.
Certified Lactation Counselors offer breastfeeding counseling for health department clients. Along with information on breastfeeding, nursing staff assists mother with their success in comforting, nurturing, and caring for their infant.
This program assures early access to needed services for pregnant women and children through age 2.
The Health Department contracts with the Sarah Bush Lincoln Health System Laboratory. This service is offered for uninsured and under insured Clark County residents upon request of their physician.
Catholic Social Services – 1-800-997-9381 Elderly Abuse – Complaint – 1-800-252-4343 DSCC – 1-800-322-3722 Choices for Pregnancy – Casey – 217-932-5900…
Martinsville Food Bank Contact Person: Dawn Wallace Phone Number: 217-264-4380 Distribution Day: 1st and 3rd Thursday of Every Month 4pm –…
The Clark County Health Department’s purpose is to promote and protect the health of all Clark County residents. Clark County Board chose eight citizens of Clark County to serve on the Clark County Board of Health. These Board of Health members are selected according to certain guidelines and expertise that they might offer and serve without compensation. Drawing upon their base of knowledge and expertise, the Board of Health offers guidance and advice towards the management of the health department.
Monday - Friday 8am - 4pm Walk-In Monday - Thursday 8am - 2:30pm Or schedule an appointment / Evening appointments by request
997 N York St, Martinsville, IL 62442